June 12, 2007

Removable Teeth

I come from an unfortunate long line of bad teeth. Among my ancestry are also a team of chocolate lovers, carb addicts and sweet tooths (teeth?). I am traveling up a branching family tree of dental bills and fake teeth. But I won't have this - I just won't.

During a visit to my mom's house this past winter, one of her long-time friends stopped by after her own visit to the dentist. Her teeth are also in terrible shape and her dentist advised her that the only way she could prevent the ones she had left, from rotting clean out of her head, was to buy a Water Pik.

A Water Pik? Do they even still make these things? Had I ever even seen one up close? The contraption that sat on my grandparents' bathroom vanity, sprouting hoses and buttons, now that may have been a Water Pik, but all this time, I assumed it was a denture cleaning device.

Overcome by curiosity and and a slightly obsessive-compulsive dental hygiene routine, I decided to pick up (no pun intended) a Water Pik myself. And boy, am I glad I did! For the bargain price of $29.99, I now own an incredible, cordless hand-held device that makes my teeth feel as clean as they do after a full-on dental cleaning! And the best part is, watching the amount of junk fly from your mouth into the sink. Instant gratification - now that's what I'm talking about!

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