June 10, 2007

Now I Blog

For months my husband, a true technophile, has been urging me to create a blog. "You talk a lot, so you should be able to write a lot," he tells me - encouraging me in his own special way. So here I am, finally catching up with the rest of the modern world, a blogger. Now... where to begin?

I stay at home with our now 11 month-old baby girl. When our little MeMo (a nickname adoringly issued at 4 weeks) was born, controversy was ringing through Hollywood over the birth and lock down of baby Suri Cruise (daughter of Tom Cruise and Katie Holmes, for those of you living in caves). Where was this infant, rumored to have a full head of jet black hair, famous before she was even born? Did she really exist?

The media frenzy over little Suri sucked me in like a vacuum cleaner with a freshly changed bag. I checked in nightly with E! News, madly flipped through every celebrity gossip magazine in the grocery check-out line, and Googled "Suri" at least twice a day, in hopes that the Cruise Compound had released a photo of this mystery child. And then I had an idea.

Using fabric paints, I scrawled in my neatest handwriting the words "Free Suri" across the chest of one of the thousands of plain white onesies we'd been given for our daughter (always under the pretense that "You know, you can never have too many onesies!") and took pictures of MeMo. Later that week, I sent the photos to our friends and family. I received a mountain of feedback, including one person telling me about my own idea (forgetting it was me who came up with the idea in the first place) and referring to the "Free Suri" onesie as the "funniest kid's shirt [they'd] ever seen!" Wow!

Aside from being computer savvy, my husband is also a born entrepreneur. To Joe, positive feedback doesn't equate to mere compliments. Positive feedback equals sales. A week later, he sent me an email containing a rough, but easy to follow, step-by-step plan to launch an online specialty onesie business. A dash of my creativity and a quick lesson in html, shopping carts and shipping rates and we were up and running. Hence the birth of MeMoBaby.com.

My mind races on long after I lay down to bed each night. Eyes wide, I am constantly brainstorming about new onesie ideas and ways to get the word out about our fabulous products and how we are hipply outfitting babies while also trying to save the world (MeMoBaby.com is a green company).

It's been an interesting journey so far, trying to balance my time between our (still relatively) newborn and this business that took off like a cheater in a foot race. Every day presents a new reward and challenge. But most of all, starting MeMoBaby helped me to regain some of the identity most women lose when we devote our lives to our children.

I hope you enjoy our goods and also that you feel good about our products and your contribution to making things a little easier on Mother Earth.

1 comment:

erinn1969 said...

blog blog blog..you are a blogger and a good blogger at that!!